
acetylated Tau /ac-tau


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Clonality: polyclonal
Host: Rabbit
Isotype: IgG2b
Source: Ab708
Li Gan, Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease Assistant Professor of Neurology University of California, San Francisco
Min SW, 2010
Reacts in: Human, Rat


immunogen = a synthetic tau peptide (amino acids 160–182 for 2N4R tau isoform) containing acetylated lysines at positions 163 and 174 and 180


Ab708 specifically recognizes tau acetylated by p300 under cell-free conditions. In HEK293T cells transfected with tau, overexpression of p300 markedly elevated the levels of ac-tau detected with Ab708 while the increase in the levels of t-tau was modest, suggesting that Ab708 preferentially recognizes p300-induced ac-tau in cultured cells. Ab708 recognizes human tau acetylated at positions 163, 174, or 180 and possibly other acetylated lysines on tau, but not nonacetylated tau

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Paper Citations

  1. . Acetylation of tau inhibits its degradation and contributes to tauopathy. Neuron. 2010 Sep 23;67(6):953-66. PubMed.

External Citations

  1. Li Gan

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