Coalition Against Major Diseases
Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
30 November 2010
Trial failure after trial failure: Does it look to you like nothing works in AD treatment trials? You are not alone. Worried that the drug industry might abandon Alzheimer's just at the time when new candidate treatments, biomarkers, and better trial designs appear to come within reach, industry leaders have banded together with patient groups, academic advisors, and the regulatory agencies to jointly re-engineer the drug development process. Called Coalition Against Major Diseases, the collaborative group tries to develop freely available tools for clinical treatment trials, the motto being: "We have to make sure the future is not like the past.”
DC: CAMD Convenes Stakeholders to Reform Alzheimer’s Trials
There lies an important, if obscure, area of AD coordination and regulatory work to improve a fledgling drug program’s chance at success...
DC: Standard Data—Music to Regulators’ Ears
The Coalition Against Major Diseases started one and a half years ago to develop tools that could improve drug development...
DC: Shared Pain Is Lessened—Open-Trial Data Gain AD Model
When a clinical trial comes up short, typically the data gets parked at the pharmaceutical company and the FDA...
DC: Biomarkers, Parkinson’s—CAMD Needs All Hands on Deck
Speakers focused on the Coalition Against Major Diseases’ goal of garnering approval for biomarkers in AD drug development...