Rusu P, Jansen A, Soba P, Kirsch J, Löwer A, Merdes G, Kuan YH, Jung A, Beyreuther K, Kjaerulff O, Kins S. Axonal accumulation of synaptic markers in APP transgenic Drosophila depends on the NPTY motif and is paralleled by defects in synaptic plasticity. Eur J Neurosci. 2007 Feb;25(4):1079-86. PubMed.
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University of Goettingen
The interesting paper of Rusu and coworkers describes that axonal accumulation of synaptic markers in the fruit fly depends on the NPTY motif of APP. APP overexpression induced a partial but characteristic axonal transport phenotype, which correlated with deficits in short-term synaptic plasticity. This report further supports previous findings in mouse models with mutant or wild-type APP overexpression (1,2), which also elicit aberrant intraneuronal accumulation of Aβ peptides upon reduction of kinesin-I (1). This is an interesting link as intraneuronal Aβ accumulation correlates well with age-dependent axonal degeneration (3,4) and neuron loss of CA1 pyramidal cells (5,6) in two different APP/PS1 mouse lines. It would be interesting to learn whether the NPTY-dependent axonal phenotype in the fruit fly is also based on elevated (intracellular) Aβ accumulation.
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