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1939 Results

Name Source Clonality &
Host &
Method Reactivity Immunogen/
Specificity Availability
APP, APLP, AICD From manufacturers (1)
Abcam monoclonal
(liquid, protein-G purified, PBS, Thimerosal)
- Human immunogen = synthetic peptide, corresp. to aa 1-17 of human β-Amyloid, with Glu substituted at position 11, conj. to KLH recognizes beta amyloid peptide, the precursor and the abnormally processed isoforms No longer available.
Tau From labs (1)
Tau R145d(K Iqbal, New york State institute for Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities)Reference:Götz 2001 polyclonal

- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = tau derived peptide phosphorylated at Ser-422 tau phosphorylated at Ser-422see antibody -
Tau From manufacturers (7)
A B R - Thermo Scientific polyclonal
(affinity purified IgG, PBS, BSA, azide)
- Human immunogen = synthetic phosphopeptide corresp. residues around the phosphor. site at Serine 202 of human Tau detects Phsopho-Tau (Ser202) from human samples -
A B R - Thermo Scientific polyclonal
(affinity purified IgG, PBS, BSA, azide)
- Human, Mouse immunogen = synthetic phosphopeptide corresp. to residues around the phosphor. site at Serine 404 of human Tau detects Phsopho-Tau (Ser404) from human and mouse samples -
A B R - Thermo Scientific polyclonal
(affinity purified IgG, PBS, BSA, azide)
- Human, Mouse immunogen = synthetic phosphopeptide corresp. to residues around the phosphor. site at Serine 235 of human Tau detects Phsopho-Tau (Ser235) from human and mouse samples -
A B R - Thermo Scientific polyclonal
(affinity purified IgG, PBS, BSA, azide)
- Human immunogen = synthetic phosphopeptide corresp. to residues around the phosphor. site at Threonine 205 of human Tau detects human Tau phospho. at threonine 205 -
A B R - Thermo Scientific polyclonal
(affinity purified IgG, PBS, BSA, azide)
- Human immunogen = synthetic phosphopeptide corresp. to residues around the phosphor. site at Serine 404 of human Tau detects Phsopho-Tau (Ser404) from human and mouse samples -
A B R - Thermo Scientific polyclonal
(affinity purified IgG, PBS, BSA, azide)
- Human, Mouse synthetic phosphopeptide corresp. to residues around the phospho. site at Threonine 231 of human Tau detects Tau phospho. at threonine 231 -
Histo-Line monoclonal
(liquid, concentrate)
- Bovine, Cat, Chicken, Human, Monkey immunogen = purified bovine microtubule associated proteins; epitope at aa 95-108 both phos. and non-phos. tau, not MAP 1, MAP 2, MAP 5 or tubulin. It localizes along microtubules in axons, somata, dendrites, astrocytes, and on ribosomes -
Transforming Growth Factor (TGF) From manufacturers (6)
Autogen Bioclear polyclonal
(liquid, affinity purified, PBS, azide, gelatin)
- Pig, Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = peptide mapping at C-terminus of human TGFβ1 (identical to corr. mouse sequence) TGFβ1; not TGFβ2 or TGFβ3 -
Autogen Bioclear polyclonal
(IgG, PBS, azide, gelatin)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = mapping at the C-terminus of human TGFβ1/2/3,(aa 301-412) TGFβ1, TGFβ2 and TGFβ3 -
Autogen Bioclear polyclonal
(liquid, affinity purified, PBS, azide, gelatin)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = peptide mapping at C-terminus of human TGFα TGFα, precursor and mature forms as well as BTC -
Autogen Bioclear polyclonal
(liquid, affinity purified, PBS, azide, gelatin)
- Dog, Horse, Pig, Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = peptide mapping at the C-terminus of human TGFβ1 precursor and mature forms of TGFβ1 and, to a lesser extent, TGFβ2 and TGFβ3 -
Autogen Bioclear polyclonal
(affinity purified IgG, PBS, azide, gelatin)
- Mink, Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = peptide mapping at the C-terminus of human TGFβ RIII TGFβ-RIII (betaglycan); may cross with Endoglin; not TGFβ-RI or TGFβ-RII -
Autogen Bioclear polyclonal
(affinity purified IgG, PBS, azide, gelatin; also azide-free or agarose conj.)
- Pig, Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = mapping at C-terminus of precursor form of human TGFβ2 mature and precursor forms of TGFβ2 and to a lesser extent TGFβ3; not TGFβ1 -
Tubulin From manufacturers (14)
Santa Cruz polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, gelatin, azide)
- Mammal (various), Zebra fish, Xenopus, Drosophila recombinant protein corresp. to aa 149-448 mapping at the C-terminus of human α-Tubulin α-Tubulin -
Santa Cruz polyclonal
(affinity purified IgG, PBS, gelatin, azide)
- Corn (zea mays), Arabidopsis thaliana, Pisum sativum immunogen = peptide mapping at the N- terminus of Arabidopsis thaliana beta tubulin beta tubulin -
Santa Cruz polyclonal
(affinity purified, PBS, gelatin, azide)
- Human, Mouse, Rat peptide mapping at the C-terminus of delta tubulin of human origin delta tubulin -
Santa Cruz polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, gelatin, azide)
- Human, Mouse, Rat recombinant protein corresp. to aa 154-450 mapping at the C-terminus of δ-Tubulin of human origin δ-Tubulin -
Santa Cruz polyclonal
(affinity purified, PBS, gelatin, azide)
- Human mapping at the C-terminus of epsilon tubulin of human origin epsilon tubulin -
Santa Cruz polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, gelatin, azide)
- Human, Mouse, Rat recombinant protein corresp. to aa 196-475 mapping at the C-terminus of ε Tubulin of human origin ε-Tubulin -
Santa Cruz monoclonal
(liquid, PBS, gelatin, azide)
- Human aa. 269-451 at the C-terminus of γ tubulin of human origin specific for gamma tubulin -
Santa Cruz monoclonal
(liquid, PBS, gelatin, azide)
- Human, Mouse, Rat aa. 269-451 at the C-terminus of γ tubulin of human origin specific to gamma tubulin -
Santa Cruz polyclonal
(affinity purified IgG, PBS, gelatin, azide)
- Corn (zea mays), Arabidopsis thaliana, Nicotiana tabacum immunogen = peptide mapping at the N-terminus of Arabidopsis thaliana gamma tubulin gamma tubulin -
Santa Cruz polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, gelatin, azide)
- Human, Mouse, Rat recombinant protein corresponding to aa 269-451 mapping at the C-terminus of human γ-Tubulin γ-Tubulin -
Zymed/ Invitrogen monoclonal
(diluted ascites fluid, azide)
- Various species (epitope at aa 65-79) α-tubulin, N-terminal structural domain -
Sigma Aldrich monoclonal
(liquid, IgG, PBS, BSA, azide)
- Bovine, Rabbit, Chicken, Sea Urchin, Dinoflagellate, Human, Monkey, Mouse, Rat immunogen = purified sea urchin sperm axonemal proteins (epitope in C-terminal region of α- and β-tubulins, the glutamylated motif at amino acid 445-457 of α-tubulin) polyglutamylated C-terminal region of α- and β-tubulin -
Novus Biologicals monoclonal
(liquid, affinity purified, PBS, BSA, azide)
- Rabbit, Chicken, Sea Urchin, Cow, Human, Mouse, Rat, Macaque immunogen = purified sea urchin --Lytechinus pictus-- sperm axonemal proteins (epitope localized in the C-terminal region of α- and β- tubulins, the glutamylated motif at aa 445-457 of α-tubulin) recognizes polyglutamylated tubulin motif at aa 445-457 -
Abcam monoclonal
(liquid, protein-A purified, PBS, BSA, azide)
- Rabbit, Chicken, Sea Urchin, Cow, Human, Mouse, Rat, Macaque immunogen = purified sea urchin --Lytechinus pictus-- sperm axonemal proteins (epitope localized in the C-terminal region of alpha and beta tubulins, the glutamylated motif at aa 445-457 of alpha tubulin) recognizes polyglutamylated Tubulin motif at amino acid 445-457 -
p38 MAPK & MAPK11-14 From manufacturers (71)
Abcam polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, gelatin, azide, affinity purified)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic peptide at C-terminal of human p38 conjugated to KLH p38 -
Abcam monoclonal
(liquid, tris-glycine saline, BSA, azide)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = synthetic phospho- peptide corresp. to residues surrounding Thr180 and Tyr182 of human p38 detects p38 MAPK phosphorylated on threonine 180 and tyrosine 182 -
Abcam polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, BSA, glycerol, azide, affinity purified)
- Dog, Carp, Human, Monkey, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic peptide derived from the region of human p38 that contains threonine 180 and tyrosine 182. p38 α, β, γ -
A B R - Thermo Scientific polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, BSA, glycerol, azide)
- Dog, Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic peptide derived from human p38 that contains phosphorylated threonine 180 and tyrosine 183. Detects phospho-p38 -
A B R - Thermo Scientific polyclonal
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, BSA, glycerol)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = phosphopeptide corresp. to aa residues surrounding the phosphoThr180/ Tyr182 of p38 MAPK Detects phospho-Thr180/Tyr182 p38 MAPK -
A B R - Thermo Scientific polyclonal
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, BSA, glycerol)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = phosphopeptide corresp. to aa residues surrounding phosphoThr180/ Tyr182 of rat p38 MAPK Detects phospho-Thr180/Tyr182 p38 MAPK -
Acris Antibodies polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, glycerol, BSA, azide)
- Dog, Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic peptide derived from human p38 that contains phosphorylated threonine 180 and tyrosine 182 Detects phospho-p38 -
Acris Antibodies polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, glycerol, BSA, azide, affinity purified)
- Human, Rat Immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide derived from the region of human p38 that contains threonine 180 and tyrosine 182. p38α, β and γ -
Active Motif kit
Unknown Host
(FACE assay)
- - - measures phosphorylated p38 -
AMS Biotechnology polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, BSA, azide, affinity purified)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic peptide of human p38 phosphorylated at threonine 180 and tyrosine 182. Phosphorylated p38α, β, γ -
AMS Biotechnology polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, glycerol, BSA, azide, purified)
- Human, Mouse, Rat - Phosphorylated p38 (Thr180/Tyr182) Map kinase (43 kDa) -
AMS Biotechnology polyclonal
- Human - - -
Autogen Bioclear polyclonal
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic phospholyratedpeptide (KLH coupled) corr. toresidues around Thr180/Tyr182 of humanp38 MAP kinase MAP kinase phosphorylated on Thr180/Thr182, p38 -
Biomol Enzo Life Sciences polyclonal
(chromo purified, phosphate buffer, BSA, azide)
- Dog, Carp, Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = phosphopeptide derived from the region of human p38 containing Thr 180 and Tyr 182. Selective for the dually phospho. form (Thr180, Tyr182) of p38α, -β, and -γ. Will not react with the non-phospho. form of p38. -
BioVision polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, BSA, glycerol, azide)
- Human, Mouse, Rat - Phosphorylated p38 (Thr180/Tyr182) MAP kinase. -
Calbiochem EMD Biosciences polyclonal
(liquid, DPBS, BSA, glycerol)
- Dog, Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to aa surrounding the pThr180 and pTyr182 sites of human p38 MAP Kinase Recognizes p38α, β, and γ/ERK6 phosphorylated at Thr180 and Tyr182 -
Calbiochem EMD Biosciences kit

(anti-p38 MAP kinase as capture ab; Polyclonal anti-p38 MAP kinase pThr180/pTyr182 as detection ab)
- Human, Monkey, Mouse - Detects the dually phosphorylated form of p38 MAP kinase at Thr180 and Tyr182 -
Calbiochem EMD Biosciences kit
Unknown Host
(Coated 96-well plate, ERK 1/2 standard, diluents, detector antibody, secondary antibody)
- - - detects the dually phospho. form of p38 MAP kinase at Thr180 and Tyr182 -
Cell Signaling monoclonal
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, BSA, glycerol)
- Mink, Human, Monkey, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues surrounding Thr180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAP kinase Detects endogenous levels of p38 MAP kinase only when dually phosphorylated at threonine 180 and tyrosine 182. Does not cross-react with the phosphorylated forms of either p42/44 MAPK or SAPK/JNK. -
Cell Signaling monoclonal
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, glycerol, BSA, azide)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues around Thr180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAP kinase Detects p38 MAP kinase only when dually phosphoryated at Thr180 and Try182. Does not cross-react with the corresp. phosphorylated forms of either p44/42 MAPK (ERK1/2) or SAPK/JNK. Does not detect non-phosphorylated p38 MAP kinase. -
Cell Signaling monoclonal
(liquid, PBS, BSA, azide, conjugated with Alexa Fluor® 647)
- Human, Mouse Immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues surrounding Thr180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAP kinase coupled to KLH Detects p38 MAP kinase only when dually phosphorylated at Thr180 and Tyr182. Does not cross-react with the corresp. phosphorylated forms of either p44/42 MAPK (ERK1/2) or SAPK/JNK. Does not detect non-phosphorylated p38 MAP kinase. -
Cell Signaling monoclonal
(liquid, PBS, BSA, azide, conjugated to Alexa Fluor®488)
- Human, Mouse Immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues surrounding Thr18/Tyr182 of human p38 MAP kinase Detects p38 MAP kinase only when dually phosphorylated at Thr180 and Tyr182. Does not significantly cross-react with the corresponding phosphorylated forms of either p44/42 MAPK (Erk1/2) or SAPK/JNK. Does not detect nonphosphorylated p38 MAP kinase -
Cell Signaling kit
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, BSA, glycerol, Protein A and affinity purified)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues surrounding Thr180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAP kinase (#9211) or with synthetic peptide derived from the seq. of human p38 MAP kinase (#9212) Antibody #9212 detects endogenous levels of p38 MAP kinase only when dually phosphorylated at Thr180/Tyr182. Does not cross-react with phosphorylated forms of p42/44 MAPK or SAPK/JNK. Antibody #9212 detects endogenous levels of total p38 MAP kinase. Does not cross-react with p42/44 MAPK or SAPK/JNK. -
Cell Signaling monoclonal
(liquid, cell lysis buffer, BSA, glycerol, conjugated to agarose hydrazide beads)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues around Thr180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAP kinase coupled to KLH Binds p38 MAP kinase when dually phosphor-ylated at Thr180/Tyr182. Does not cross-react with phosphorylated SAPK/JNK or p44/42 MAP kinase or with non-phosphorylated p38 MAPK -
Cell Signaling kit

- Human, Mouse, Rat - Detects endogenous levels of phospho-p38 MAP kinase α (Thr180/Tyr182) protein -
Chemicon and Upstate are Millipore polyclonal
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, BSA, glycerol, affinity purified)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic phosphopeptide corresp. to aa residues surrounding the phosphorylated Thr180/Tyr182 of p38 MAPK Recognizes the activated form of p38 MAPK α, β, γ, δ only when phosphorylated at Thr180/Tyr182. -
Chemicon and Upstate are Millipore polyclonal
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, BSA, glycerol, affinity purified)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = peptide corresp. to aa region surrounding the phosphorylated Thr180/Tyr182 of human, mouse, and rat p38α Recognizes p38α dual phosphorylation of Thr180 and Tyr182 -
BioLegend polyclonal
- Human - p38 MAPK dually phosphorylated at Thr180/Tyr182 Available from BioLegend
Epitomics monoclonal
(liquid, tris-glycine saline, glycerol, BSA, azide)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues surrounding Th180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAPK Detects only p38 MAPK phosphorylated on thr180 and tyr182 -
Exalpha Biologicals polyclonal
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, glycerol, BSA, affinity purified)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to aa residues surrounding the phospho Thr180/Tyr182 of p38 Detects p38 MAPK when dually phosphorylated on Thr180/Tyr182 -
Fisher Scientific polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, BSA, glycerol, azide)
- Dog, Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic peptide derived from human p38 that contains phosphorylated threonine 180 and tyrosine 183. Detects phospho-p38 -
Fisher Scientific monoclonal
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, BSA, glycerol)
- Mink, Human, Monkey, Mouse, Rat immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues surrounding Thr180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAP kinase Detects endogenous levels of p38 MAP kinase only when dually phosphorylated at Thr180/Tyr182. Does not cross-react with phosphorylated forms of either p42/44 MAPK or SAPK/JNK. -
Fisher Scientific monoclonal
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, glycerol, BSA, azide)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues around Thr180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAP kinase Detects p38 MAP kinase only when dually phosphoryated at Thr180/Try182. Does not cross-react with the corresp. phosphorylated forms of either p44/42 MAPK (ERK1/2) or SAPK/JNK. Does not detect non-phosphorylated p38 MAP kinase. -
Fisher Scientific monoclonal
(liquid, PBS, BSA, azide, conjugated to Alexa Fluor®488)
- Human, Mouse immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues surrounding Thr18/Tyr182 of human p38 MAP kinase Detects p38 MAP kinase only when dually phosphorylated at Thr180/Tyr182. Does not significantly cross-react with the corresponding phosphorylated forms of either p44/42 MAPK (Erk1/2) or SAPK/JNK. Does not detect non-phosphorylated p38 MAP kinase -
Fisher Scientific monoclonal
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, BSA, glycerol, 4 mini-blots)
- Mink, Human, Monkey, Mouse, Rat immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues surrounding Thr180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAP kinase conj. to KLH Detects endogenous levels of p38 MAP kinase only when dually phosphorylated at Thr180 and Tyr182. Does not cross-react with the phosphorylated forms of either p42/44 MAPK or SAPK/JNK -
Fisher Scientific monoclonal
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, BSA, glycerol, 20 mini-blots)
- Mink, Human, Monkey, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues surrounding Thr180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAP kinase conj. to KLH Detects endogenous levels of p38 MAP kinase only when dually phosphorylated at Thr180 and Tyr182. Does not cross-react with the phosphorylated forms of either p42/44 MAPK or SAPK/JNK -
Fisher Scientific kit
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, BSA, glycerol, Protein A and affinity purified)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues surrounding Thr180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAP kinase (#9211) or with synthetic peptide derived from the seq. of human p38 MAP kinase (#9212) Antibody #9212 detects endogenous levels of p38 MAP kinase only when dually phosphorylated at Thr180/Tyr182. Does not cross-react with phosphorylated forms of p42/44 MAPK or SAPK/JNK. Antibody #9212 detects endogenous levels of total p38 MAP kinase. Does not cross-react with p42/44 MAPK or SAPK/JNK. -
Fisher Scientific monoclonal
(liquid, cell lysis buffer, BSA, glycerol, conjugated to agarose hydrazide beads)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues around Thr180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAP kinase coupled to KLH Binds p38 MAP kinase when dually phosphor-ylated at Thr180/Tyr182. Does not cross-react with phosphorylated SAPK/JNK or p44/42 MAP kinase or with non-phosphorylated p38 MAPK -
Fisher Scientific polyclonal
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, BSA, glycerol, Protein A and affinity purified, 600µl, 60 mini-blots)
- Human, Mouse, Rat synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues around Thr180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAP kinase Detects endogenous levels of p38 MAP kinase only dually phosphorylated at Thr180 and Tyr 182. Does not cross react with phosphorylated forms of p42/44 MAPK or SAPK/JNK -
Fisher Scientific polyclonal
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, BSA, glycerol, Protein A and affinity purified, 200µl, 20 mini-blots)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues around Thr180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAP kinase Detects endogenous levels of p38 MAP kinase only dually phosphorylated at Thr180 and Tyr 182. Does not cross react with phosphorylated forms of p42/44 MAPK or SAPK/JNK -
Fisher Scientific polyclonal
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, BSA, glycerol, Protein A and affinity purified, 200µl, 20 mini-blots)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues around Thr180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAP kinase Detects endogenous levels of p38 MAP kinase only dually phosphorylated at Thr180 and Tyr 182. Does not cross react with phosphorylated forms of p42/44 MAPK or SAPK/JNK -
Fisher Scientific kit

- Human, Mouse, Rat - Detects endogenous levels of phospho-p38 MAP kinase α (Thr180/Tyr182) protein -
Fisher Scientific polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, gelatin, azide)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = short amino acid sequence containing phosphorylated Thr 180 and Tyr 182 of human p38 Thr 180 and Tyr 182 dually phosphorylated p38 -
GeneTex polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, gelatin, azide, affinity purified)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic peptide at C-terminal of human p38 conjugated to KLH p38 -
GeneTex polyclonal
- Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to aa residues surrounding the phospho thr180/ tyr182 MAPK phosphorylated at Thr180/Tyr182 (39-43 kDa ) -
GeneTex polyclonal
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, BSA, glycerol, affinity purified)
- Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to aa residues surrounding the phosphoThr180 / phosphoTyr182 sites Specific for 39-43 kDa protein phosphorylated at the Thr180 and Tyr182 sites -
GeneTex polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, BSA, glycerol, azide, affinity purified)
- Dog, Carp, Human, Monkey, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic peptide derived from the region of human p38 that contains threonine 180 and tyrosine 182. p38 α, β, γ -
GenWay Biotech polyclonal
(affinity purified)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = phosphopeptide corr. to aa residues surrounding the phospho-Thr180 and phospho-Tyr182 of rat p38 MAPK ~39k p38 MAPK protein phospho. at Thr180/Tyr182 -
Histo-Line polyclonal
(liquid, pre-diluted, ready-to-use, PBS, BSA, azide, purified)
- Human immunogen = synthetic phosphopeptide corresp. to a region surrounding the phosphorylated Thr180/Tyr182 residues of p38 MAP kinase phospho-p38 MAPK -
Histo-Line polyclonal
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, BSA, glycerol, protein A and affinity purified)
- Human immunogen = synthetic phosphopeptide corresp. to a region surrounding the phosphorylated Thr180/Tyr182 residues of p38 MAP kinase p38 MAP kinase phosphorylated at Thr180/Tyr 182 -
ImmunoKontact polyclonal
- Human - - -
ImmunoKontact polyclonal
- Human - p38 beta C-terminal -
ImmunoKontact polyclonal
(liquid, HEPES, BSA, glycerol, purified)
- Human Immunogen = a phosphopeptide corresp. to aa residues surrounding phospho Thr180/Tyr182 of p38 ~39kDa p38 MAPK phospho. -
Insight Biotechnology polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, gelatin, azide, affinity purified; available as goat antibody sc-535-G and agarose conjugate for IP, sc-535 AC)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = peptide mapping at the C-terminus of mouse p38 p38 -
Insight Biotechnology polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, gelatin, azide; available as agarose conj. for IP [sc-7149 AC])
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = aa 213-360 mapping at the C-terminus of human p38 p38 and p38β -
Insight Biotechnology polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, gelatin, azide, affinity purified; available conjugated to agarose for IP [sc-728 AC] and as a goat antibody [sc-728G])
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = peptide mapping at the N-terminus of mouse p38 p38 and, to a lesser extent, p38β -
Insight Biotechnology polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, gelatin, azide, affinity purified; available conjugated to agarose for IP [sc-728 AC] and as a goat antibody [sc-728G])
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = peptide mapping at the N-terminus of mouse p38 p38 and, to a lesser extent, p38β -
Insight Biotechnology monoclonal
(liquid, tris-glycine saline, glycerol, BSA, azide)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues surrounding Th180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAPK Detects only p38 MAPK phosphorylated on thr180 and tyr182 -
Insight Biotechnology polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, gelatin, azide)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = short amino acid sequence containing phosphorylated Thr 180 and Tyr 182 of human p38 Thr 180 and Tyr 182 dually phosphorylated p38 -
Insight Biotechnology polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, gelatin, azide)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = short amino acid sequence containing phosphorylated Thr 180 and tyr 182 of human p38 Thr 180 and Tyr 182 dually phosphorylated p38 -
Insight Biotechnology polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, gelatin, azide, affinity purified)
- Human immunogen = peptide mapping at the C-terminus of human p38β p38β -
Lab Frontier polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, glycerol)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues around Thr180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAPK p38 MAPK phosphorylated Thr180/Tyr182 -
Li Starfish polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, glycerol)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues around Thr180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAPK p38 MAPK phosphorylated Thr180/Tyr182 -
Li Starfish polyclonal
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, BSA, glycerol, affinity purified)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to aa residues surrounding the phosphoThr180/Tyr182 sites Specific for 39-43 kDa MAPK protein phosphorylated at the Thr180 and Tyr182 sites. Immunolabeling of the p38 protein is blocked by the phosphopeptide but not by the dephosphopeptide. -
Li Starfish polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, glycerol, BSA, azide)
- Dog, Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic peptide derived from human p38 that contains phosphorylated threonine 180 and tyrosine 182 Detects phospho-p38 -
Li Starfish polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, glycerol, BSA, azide, affinity purified)
- Human, Rat Immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide derived from the region of human p38 that contains threonine 180 and tyrosine 182. p38α, β and γ -
LifeSpan Biosciences, Inc. monoclonal
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues around Thr180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAP kinase, (KLH coupled) p38 MAP kinase only phosphorylated at Thr180 and Tyr182. No crossreaction with the corresponding phosphorylated forms of either p44/42 MAPK (Erk1/2) or SAPK/JNK. It does not detect non-phosphorylated p38 MAP kinase -
LifeSpan Biosciences, Inc. monoclonal
- Human immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues around Thr180/Tyr182 of human p38 MAP kinase, (KLH coupled) p38 MAP kinase activated by phosphorylation at Thr180/Tyr182. -
LifeSpan Biosciences, Inc. polyclonal
(DEAE-column chromatography)
- Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to aa residues surrounding the phosphoThr180 and phosphoTyr182 sites of p38 MAP kinase protein specific for 39-43kD protein phosphorylated at the Thr180 and tyr182 sites -
MBL International polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, BSA, glycerol, azide, affinity purified)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = synthetic peptide corresp. to amino acids at the N-terminus of human p38 MAP Kinase. detects total p38 MAP kinase; does not cross-react with either JNK/SAPK or p44/42 MAP kinase -
MBL International polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, BSA, glycerol, azide, purified)
- Human, Mouse, Rat - recognizes 43 kDa phospho. p38(Thr180/Tyr182) MAP kinase -